Here At Nordic Home Health Care We Care About You

Nordic Healthcare offers wide range of medical and nursing services inspired by renowned European Healthcare System with highly skilled DHA licensed medical professionals, located in the luxurious and delightful city of Dubai in UAE.

The centre is an assortment of global healthcare doctors, nurses, and support staff who have vast knowledge in their field with western and eastern medical skills, providing personalized holistic care to their clients and their families with 100% ensured privacy.

We Recognise that the Practice of Medicine is a Privilege with which comes Considerable Responsibility and We will not Abuse Our Posititon We Will Practice Medicine with Integrity, Humility, Honesty, and Compassion – Working with Our Collegues to Meet the Needs of Our Patients We Will Not Permit Consideration of Gender, Race, Religion, Political Affiliation, Sexual Orientation, Nationality, or Social Standing to Influence Our Duty of Care We Shall Never Intentionally Do or Administer anything to the Overall Harm of Our Patients We Will Assist Our Patients to Make Informed Decisions that Coincide with Their Own Values and Beliefs and Will Uphold Patient Confidentiality We Will Seek to Promote the Advancement of Medicle Knowledge Through Teaching and Research

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